
Cask & Convos with Craig Brown (CEO, Everest Engineering)

Craig Brown, CEO of Everest Engineering, shares a tipple with Sharbani Dhar from  ‪@dotinfinity.  While talking about what it takes to shape and deliver innovation for #startups to a large #organisation. Even in this age of #rapiddevelopment, the key to success lies in small details, active listening, and not forgetting the crucial role that the people in an organisation play in building it up.

Location: LaMadonna Bar, ‪@nexthotelmelbourne5138‬ ‪@debanjandhar1983‬

#podcast #technology #agile #agilemanagement #developer


Cask & Convos with Neraj Galagedara (Science team, Monash Nova Rover)


Cask & Convos with Peter Bradd (Chief Evangelist, Miro)